
Mr. Chen-Ning Huang
CTO/VP, Somnics Inc.
Speaker's Biography
Chen-Ning Huang was born in Taoyuan, Taiwan in 1979. He received his B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Chung Yuan Christian University Taiwan in 2001 and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from National Central University Taiwan in 2008.
In 2008 he entered the Medical Electronics & Image Technology Division of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) as an Engineer and Project leader. As a project leader, he is responsible for several advanced research projects related to treating sleep breathing problems.
2012 He joined Somnics, Inc. when the company was established. Somnics is a
company focused on developing innovative medical devices to treat obstructive
sleep apnea (OSA). He had involved developing innovative medical devices,
including product design, prototyping, product verification and validation,
clinical study, and regulatory approval process. After completing the first
generation product development, he improved the product and showed more
clinical evidence.
he is the Vice President of Somnics and is in charge of new product development
and clinical research.
An innovational
negative air pressure therapy (iNAP) for obstructive sleep apnea
sleep apnea (OSA) is a severe medical condition that affects patients' health
and quality of life. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is often chosen
as the initial treatment for patients with OSA; however, many people are
intolerant to CPAP. Owing to the poor compliance to CPAP therapy, alternative
tailored treatment options are required.
iNAP® Sleep Therapy System is designed to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). During sleep, the iNAP system creates a gentle vacuum within the oral cavity by stabilizing the tongue, thereby freeing the airway. The iNAP continuously detects the pressure within the oral cavity and automatically maintains the pressure gradient required to pull the tongue and soft palate forward. The maintenance of stable pressure in the oral cavity is essential to prevent the occurrence of respiratory events that would disturb sleep to maximize the quality of life of the users.
design of iNAP system provides a simple and intuitive user interface with a
built-in rechargeable battery, an easy-to-clean saliva container, and the
console only weight 200g. Whether you are on business travel or travel worldwide,
making it a perfect travel companion and providing a comfortable sleep
experience for OSA patients. This innovative treatment makes all OSA patients
sleep well wherever they are.
Slide and Additional Information
Link: https://reurl.cc/4aMgpK